I'm spending six months in Thailand just outside of Bangkok working with children who have disabilities. These are some of my thoughts and experiences

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Feeling like home again

It's sunday night now and I'm going to start working tomorrow. I'm pretty excited. I've spent the last few days resting up and running around Pakkred and Bangkok meeting up with old friends and meeting new ones. I was able to meet up with some of the Thai people that we hung out with last time I was here and catch up with how they are and what is new with them. Also, there are two girls here from California doing a research project so we met up with them in the city and saw some sights together. It was great. They will be here for the next couple days then return home.

Right now the volunteer house is pretty crowded. I don't even know how many people are here now, but it seems rather full. I hear that in a couple weeks it will empty up a little bit which will help some. It's not too bad for now though, I'm coping pretty good. Most of the volunteers were gone all weekend, but we'll see how the week goes.

I'm 2 for 2 on killing the cockroaches I've seen in the house. This is a good statistic seeing as how these things have a lot of fight in them. I usually have to smash them about 3 times to finish the job.
I think one of the baggage handlers at the airport stole the deodorant out of my bag. This was not a funny joke and I hope he feels sorry about it now.

Well, off to bed, I'll write more after I officially start working. Pray that I don't have to go to Lao to get a visa...there's talk that I might have to.


Blogger Becky Durham said...

Glad you're adjusting quickly. I'll pray you don't have to go to get a visa. But if you do, hopefully it will be an easy process.

We prayed for you at church today.

6:20 PM


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