Well we made it here to thailand all in one piece. The best part is that our luggage made it also! Cheers for that since I haven't had that smooth of a trip since 2004. The total travel time from the time we left my apartment to the time we got to the guest house in Bangkok was 30 hrs! At least it was midnight and I was able to get some sleep when we got here. Got up today and did a little running around, checked out the weekend market since today was the only day on the trip we'll be around for it, and now hopefully we'll be getting in touch with some of my friends soon.
Thailand is just as hot as i remember it and the smell is still the same. It's definitely nice to be back even though it's only for a short time. I was able to get my phone to work here which is nice. If anyone needs to get in touch with me the number is +66 08 6987 0439. The time difference is 13 hours ahead if you're calling from America.
Thanks for all the prayers and support! I'll write more soon here. Feel free to ask any questions!