I'm spending six months in Thailand just outside of Bangkok working with children who have disabilities. These are some of my thoughts and experiences

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Connect 4 and dirty mop water

Nov 10

Today was a pretty good day. I brought the guys at Rachawadee Boys (where I work) at connect 4 game. It is a pretty good game because they can all play it and it takes some mental concentration to win the game as well as some physical concentration to place the checker pieces into the slot where they want it. They really seem to enjoy playing it too. I also got to teach Sen and Peetaya some English today. Sen is really smart and seems to remember some from other volunteers in the past, but it takes him a long time to say something. It’s difficult for him to move any of his muscles so it always takes him a while to do anything. Peetaya is always asking questions about what things are in English but he has a hard time remembering the words.
After work I went home and had one of the funniest accidental falls that I can remember. I fell off of the stairs. A couple of the girls were cleaning the floor and put the kitchen chairs at the bottom of the stairs. I was on the 3rd step and went to step on the chair that was at the bottom of the stairs and somehow I missed it completely. I fell. I crashed through the chairs and fell on my back right into the bucket of dirty mopwater. I’ll try to put a picture of it up on the website. The other people in the house didn’t waste any time taking pictures of my circumstance. That’s all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow i didn't even know this page was here, must have missed it out of one of your old e-mails. Anyway, way to fall like a champ,, glad to here my theory was wrong, although how cool it would have been. I'll keep checkin back on ya bro.

12:35 PM

Blogger Becky Durham said...

ha ha ha :) It's nice that you can be a source of entertainment to your housemates :) We expected nothing else!

BTW, your letter is fine. Did you want me to do anything with it, or did you just want it proofread?

5:40 AM

Blogger Jeff said...

naw, just proofreading it is fine. thanks again becky.

wayne, your theory would've been really cool, maybe some other time in the future!

6:24 PM


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