Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Me and Sarah couldn’t find anyone here in Thailand that celebrated Thanksgiving, other than a Canadian (that doesn’t count). People seemed interested in knowing what it was, so we decided that we would cook some traditional food for them and invite a bunch of people over. The first problem is that no one in Thailand seems to have a working oven that’s more than the size of a toaster. Once we realized that Thailand doesn’t have any turkey’s either we figured that ordering from pizza hut would be just as good. The only way to describe a turkey to a Thai person is to say that it is a big chicken. They eat chicken all the time so we figured it would lose the meaning if we just bought a couple chickens to eat. Sarah also made some fondue for the night.
So we celebrated. We had 2 Swedish girls there, 1 Thai guy and 1 Thai girl, 1 girl from Austria, 1 girl from Switzerland, 1 girl from England, a Canadian lady, and Sarah and me. Quite an interesting mix for Thanksgiving. The only leftovers though was one piece of cold pizza in the fridge the next morning…didn’t take long before someone got to it. Today for Thanksgiving I brought in some cookies and snacks for the guys I work with. These guys are all smart enough to take care of themselves, or at least know what they need. They ate their fill of snacks and then would say they didn’t want anymore. Except one boy. He ate most of what I brought in. I set the box of cookies down and walked away. He ate the rest. I would guess he is about 20 years old or so and most of the time he seems pretty disinterested in my presence there. I try to play with him but it doesn’t last long and he goes back to his own world quickl

Woo hoo for pixie sticks!
5:05 AM
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