New people and a Big Jungle
Another girl arrived today from England. She came to work today and I welcomed her home to Thailand by giving her a ride to our house on the back of the motorbike. I never rode with anyone as nervous as she was! I prefer weaving through the busy streets with two Thai women on the bike than with on jumpy foreigner!
The Belgium roommates left on Saturday to do some traveling. It’s nice to have more room in the house. I think they were frustrating to live with for most of us, so things seem to be going better around the home. It’s really clean anyhow.
Also, a Thai guy named Dao just started volunteering today and will be here for the next 3 weeks or so. This is nice because it gives me someone else to speak some Thai with. I think he’ll move into our house here, which means I have to clean the room tonight. It would be good if he comes I think because where he is living now there are no people for him to talk to and go get food with, etc. It’s a good chance for him to learn English better if he comes here, which is what he wants to know more of. I finished chopping down our jungle of a yard today. Now I’m left with a giant grass pile in the front of our house. I have to figure out what to do with that. I was given a pair of hedge clippers to cut the lawn with. I realized pretty quickly that the job wasn’t going to be any fun and take forever. I decided to go down to the big weekend market here on Saturday and buy a couple of gardening weapons…I mean, tools. I figured a couple different swords (machette’s) would do the trick just fine. Surprisingly it only cost me 5 dollars for the two swords I used to cut down our jungle. And, the job became a lot more fun rather quickly!
Hey dude. It is really cool that you have a blog. I didn't know that you had one, so I have been reading it. Can you post pictures on it. Can I post pictures on it? Can people read what I commnet on here? Let me know.
8:41 AM
jeff berdine is a big fat idiot. but at least his escapades are interesting to read.
10:09 AM
Hey Jeff;
Hope all is going well. I just got your update in an email and thought I would tell you hey, and that your blog is interesting. Praying for you and hope all is going well.
12:33 PM
I am curious as to the type of sword. Like a kukari, katana, broad sword, or machete? You should try to get some handguns...just in case. And guns are generally AWESOME!
May God Bless you Jeff.
12:51 PM
Well, I hope you leave the knives there in March and use the lawn mower here at home!! Gardening weapons! ha... I like that one. Hope all goes well for you. Thanksgiving is only three days away now. Hope you have a good holiday season. I'm still trying to get your truck running!
Take care of yourself.
4:06 PM
I have really enjoyed your descriptions of living and working in Thailand. Keep up the good work. Happy Thanksgiving!
9:58 AM
It's cool to read some of the adventures you're having out there. Have a happy Thanksgiving, however that may look, and I'll be praying for you.
10:09 AM
Hey Spumoni!
You're so bringing some of your new defensive grass weaponry home, right?
You could even make business cards with pictures of you holding your new tools. "Jeff Berdine, grass killer."
8:18 AM
Happy Thanksgiving, Jeff :) We're thinking about you here in sunny Destin!
Love, Jason, Becky, Jonas, Mom, Carly
11:50 AM
alright, i put some pics of the grass and the "tools" up on the internet. just click on the pics link on the side of the blog to see them. glad to see you guys are reading it. i'll put something on here about the multicultural thanksgiving we had. it was pretty unique! heather, the house we're living in is right next door to the old CCD office.
6:29 PM
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