Dirt moving and what-have-you

Well, we're home from Laos. It took 12 hours to get home by the bus that we took, which was a long time and got us back around 5:30 in the morning. I slept in that morning and went to work in the afternoon. The guys were glad to see I hadn't died in Laos or anything.
On Wednesday we went to work in a villiage that CCD will set up a remote location to teach the parents from the area nearby about disabled children and help to give physio and training to those in the community. We got to the building that CCD has been given and there was a large pile of dirt in front of it that had been sitting there for about a year. We dug and picked at the dirt all day trying to move it so as to backfill around the building and keep it from flooding. I'm pretty sure we got at least 23 percent of it moved. I believe this picture above is an accurate representation of what we looked like working. It was very hot and we were covered in sweat and, in my case, dirt. The digging was a nice change of pace and I was actually glad to do it. Today however, I have been very sore from all the work as well as the others. I was happy to realize that it was movie day for the guys which didn't involve a ton of running around for me. The rest was nice. I look forward to sticking around Bangkok this weekend and visiting friends. It should be a nice change of pace after the last couple of weeks.
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